Did you know that we have all the tools and materials required to do linoleum block printing at Hive13?
For those who don't know, block printing is a method of printing many copies of a design by carving the design in a linoleum block, applying ink to the block, and then transferring the ink to paper or fabric.
I will be teaching a class on how to do the whole process on Saturday October 16th, 2021, 1:00-3:00PM.
The class will have a materials fee of $5 to cover the cost of a 4" x 6" linoleum block, printing ink, and paper. Please RSVP if you plan to attend so that I can be sure to have enough materials on hand.
Sign up for the class on the meetup page. https://www.meetup.com/Hive13/events/281109164/
Oscilloscope and Function Generator Introduction Saturday Sept 18, 2021 at 1:00pm - Hive 13 2701 Spring Grove Ave
By Brad Walsh on Under Classes, electronics, Getting Started, Hive13, oscilloscope

Come learn what an oscilloscope and function generator are and see them in action. We will have a live demo and answer questions on these cool electronic tools.
Here is a link to a brief video we did last year: https://youtu.be/mPH9uopz9tU
Tuesday, September 14, 7:30pm - 3D-Photogrammetry Show & Tell at Hive13
By jim on

Our regular 2nd-Tuesday of the month guest speaker program continues this coming Tuesday, September 14th with past-president and active member DaveS doing a show-and-tell on his recent experiences with large-scale and close-range 3D-Photogrammetry.
Photogrammetry is the science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant imagery and other phenomena. There are many variants. DaveS has large-scale experience deriving 3D models from drone-made 2D aerial images of the 2701SG building and close-range experience deriving 3D models from cell phone 2D photos of a physical object rotating on a desktop turntable.
Members, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome to come to hear DaveS's talk. Come early to see our space, meet folks, and check things out (wearing your mask). Find Us.
Retro Game Night! September 1st - Nintendo 64
By Tara Keller on

Open to anyone interested in learning about, talking about, or playing retro video games!
This month, we're looking at the Nintendo 64, its history, its games, and discussing topics such as why Conker's Bad Fur Day may be a modern day masterpiece or how Nintendo doesn't know how many hands humans have.
Link to the event on Meetup is here:
Tuesday, August 10, 7:30pm - Guest Speaker from local artist co-op DIY Printing at the Hive
By jim on
Old timers will remember back before the COVID pandemic, Hive13 would schedule a variety of guest speakers to present on topics of general interest to members during the live meetings on the 2nd-Tuesday of each month.
We are so ready to get back to those good old days! We are not yet out-of-the-woods (current Cincinnati mandate is to wear masks in indoor events) but we are pushing the curve and have invited Aaron Kent from DIY Printing to be our guest speaker at the hybrid live/zoom meeting this coming Tuesday, August 10, at 7:30 pm.
Arron runs DIY Printing, located in the Essex Art Studios in Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. They run a co-op silk screen studio for community artists and print commercially to pay the bills. They provide classes in collaboration with the Art Academy of Cincinnati for adults and teens who want to learn about screen printing. Aaron's talk will provide an overview on tools and techniques, include some show-and-tell examples and wrap-up with an informal Q&A discussion.
Members, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome to come to hear Aaron's talk. Come early to see our space, meet folks, and check things out (wearing your mask). Find Us.