Tuesday, September 13, 2016, 7:30 pm - 3D design for 3D printing

By jim on

nnIs your world of 3D printing projects limited to just downloading someone else's designs from Thingaverse? Are you itching to design your own awesome 3D printed creation (like this gyrovoronoid) but don't know where to start? This introductory talk and discussion is for YOU!nnJoin us this Tuesday, September 12, after the 7:30 pm business meeting, when member Mike Horwath leads an introductory talk and discussion on 3D design for 3D printing. He'll cover topics such as which 3D software is best for what kinds of designs and how to stage your design for best printing. He may even explain what a gyrovoronoid is.nnMembers, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome on Tuesday, September 12, after the 7:30pm business meeting. (Find Us).

Hive13 runs Learn 2 Solder at the Clermont Public Library Maker Festival on June 18

By jim on

nnnA team from Hive13 ran our Learn 2 Solder activity at the Clermont County Public Library's Maker Festival this past June 18. Several hundred area kids and their parents soldered up their own Hive13 battery-powered, blinky LED, magnetic circuit board badges. With all the molten metal excitement, it was hard to tell what lit up brighter, the blinky LEDs or the kids' or the parents' eyes. We planted some seeds, all had a good time, and no one got hurt.nnVolunteer members from Hive13 have been running this program as one of our community outreach activities since forever. The activity project page is on our wiki.n

DIY Polymers with The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County

By lparker on

nAbove: Dustin Bruce instructs kids at the Blue Ash Branch Library making bouncy-balls with safe household ingredients. nnnVolunteers from Hive13 successfully led eight workshops with local Cincinnati Libraries, teaching kids the basics of chemistry and biology. The program, DIY Polymers, was presented at Cincinnati Public Library branches as part of their Summer Learning 2016 education series. The hands-on course taught young scientists and makers about polymers through exciting activities. Children made colorful bouncy-balls and extracted DNA from strawberries using common, safe household chemicals and reagents like school glue, dish soap, and borax laundry booster. nnAs many as 40 to 60 kids attended each of the eight events, and each left with their own DIY bouncy-ball and a sample jar of strawberry DNA they extracted. This course is just one of many educational programs Hive13 offers the community to engage interest in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts, & math) and making. nnSpecial thanks to The Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Friends of Public Library, and the sponsors of Summer Learning 2016.nnnn

Drilling - The HOLE truth, Tuesday, August 9, 7:30pm

By jim on

nnAre you a neophyte maker that does know to respect and protect the Hive's shared tooling; but doesn't yet have the experience to know the detailed DO's and DON'TS? We are here to give you a HOLE lot of knowledge. Making a hole seems easy enough, but getting good results in different materials (woods, plastics, soft, and hard metals) is quite a bit more involved than one might first think. We want you to be SAFE and gain skills. We also want our shared tooling investment to be USED, easily RE-USED by all, and NEVER ABUSED! Don't be an ignorant schmuck that either hurts yourself or ruins things for your fellow maker members. nnJoin us this Tuesday, August 9, after the 7:30 pm business meeting, when CNC Area Warden Brad Walsh leads an open discussion on best practices for drilling holes in different materials. Learn that DRILLING is not BORING. Go deep on-your-own at other web links such as (this). nnMembers, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to know the HOLE truth are welcome this Tuesday, August 9, after the 7:30pm business meeting. (Find Us).

Tuesday, July 12, 2016, 7:30 pm - I'm Fine, No Really...

By jim on

nnHow can folks (even creative heros like, Aaron Swartz, Jonathan James, Robin Williams and others that seem to have-it-all) fall into the depths of depression? What makes makers especially prone to self-doubt? Why can't we just be happy all the time? When the crushing self-inflicted waves of doom-and-gloom come, where can we go to to get back on an even keel? nnJoin us this Tuesday, July 12, after the 7:30 pm business meeting, when member Chris Anderson repeats his important presentation on overcoming depression.nnMembers, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to hear these important words are welcome this Tuesday, July 12, after the 7:30pm business meeting. (Find Us).

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


