Another Great Lock Workshop!
By zombiecraig on Under lock forensics, lock picking
nSchuyler Towne is coming back to Hive13!! Last time when Schuyler came we had a fantastic class on lockpicking. Schyler showed some great cut-aways on some very fancy locks and then gave the whole class locks to take apart and pick. This time we are going to change it up a bit. We are doing TWO topics!nnLock Forensics & The Great Lock Controversy of 1851nnThe Hive has been planning on kicking off a forensic workshop on lockpicking and what better way to do that than when Schuyler is in town 😀 Lock forensics is dedicated to the science and study of forensic locksmithing:nn- Determine method of entryn- Identify tool marks and techniquesn- Determine skill level of attacker(s)n- Preserve, collect, and protect evidencen- Maintain a clean forensic workspacen- Organize and write investigative reportsnnWe have all this AND the story of 1851. You don’t want to miss this!nnDate: Feb. 21stnnTime: 6pm-10pmnnCost: Free and open to the public!nnThe schedule will probably be fairly relaxed. At 6-ish we will start organizing for the forensic workshop and between 7-7:30 Schuyler will present The Great Lock Controversy of 1851. Then we will hang out and geek out to locks.nnUPDATE: Schuyler will also be stopping by Dayton Diode on Tuesday. So if you live in Dayton or can’t make Mondays meeting at the Hive then head to the Dayton Diode space:
SMT Hand soldering 101
By zombiecraig on Under Classes, soldering
nWe will be hosting a SMT Hand soldering class at the Hive on Wednesday March 2nd at 7pm. Goal for the class is to cover simple, easy to do (with a steady hand) techniques and materials used for soldering common SMT packages WITH n LEADS. NO BGA. NO QFN. (i.e. nothing with “blind” pads underneath the device that need soldered – can’t do that well without reflow IMHO) n n Targets: n SOIC n TQFP n resistors, capacitors down to 0402 (I’m not good enough to do 0201 by hand consistently) n connectors (mini USB, ethernet, etc.)nnThis covers 90% of the MCUs, transitors/FETs and passive components commonly used by enthusiasts. We will most likely be building AMP kits that you will be able to take home after the class. Seats are extremely limited for this class but if it sells out we plan on having this class again.nnDate: 3/2/2011 Time: 7pm-9pmnn
Open Workshop - Sumobots
By zombiecraig on Under sumobot, workshop
nHi Everybody!nnWe are having an open workshop on February 16th from 7-9 (or later). Open workshops are just times where somebody has decided to open the hive for open projects to be worked on. Whoever hosts an open workshop gets to also set a theme. You don’t have to work on a project with the theme but if you are interested in said theme, then feel free to come on down and participate!nnThis workshop is hosted by Craig Smith and the theme is the upcoming sumobot competition. We will be working on all the agenda items for the event. Things like: logistics, party planning, poster artwork, building sumo rings, building sumobots, kinect sumobot hacking, whatever you can think of.nnThere will be many other sumobot meetings. This is just the kick off meeting for the event.nnMark you calendars: Feb 16th, 7-9pmnnNo sign-up or fee, just show up.nnn
Prepare your Warmachine!
By zombiecraig on Under sumobot
nHive13 is having a** Sumobot Competition** on April 16th from 6pm-9pm! Everyone is welcome to either compete or just show up to watch. We will be teaming up with our friends at Cincinnati Fitness Boxing so we can bring you the sumobot tournament from inside a real boxing ring!! (Cincy was out of spare sumo rings, sue me)nnFor more information visit the wiki page. We want to give all the competitors plenty of notice so they can have plenty of time to test out their crazy ideas. If you want to compete use the signup form at are still looking for donations that we can use for prizes for this competition. Email if you or your company has something they can contribute.nnMore info will be posted later.nnn
Android Dev 101 Sold Out
By zombiecraig on Under Android
nAndroid Development 101 class has been sold out. I’ve had some requests to be put on a backup list if anybody drops out of class. Eventbrite will probably show an opening if somebody drops out but we are currently NOT doing an official wait list. We are however going to have another android development class sometime early 2011 for those who can not attend this class. We know the class size is small but we feel that this is a good thing…we just need to have more classes
nnFor those who are going to be attending this class, emails will go out as we get closer the the date of the class. Teaser: You will be making an app that you can use while drunk to assist in drunk txting your friends … hehennn