Eagle PCB CAD Crash Course

By zombiecraig on Under cad, eagle, electronics, pcb

n nnIf you’ve wanted to make your own circuit boards and turning the schematic you have on paper or in your head into a finished board is the stumbling block, this course is for you. This Eagle PCB CAD Crash course is intended for those who already know what an electrical schematic is and vaguely how to construct one – the focus will be exclusively on Eagle software NOT general electronics knowledge. The course will be an introduction to the Eagle software available from http://www.cadsoftusa.com You should have Eagle installed on a laptop prior to coming to class – both the Linux and Windows versions are fine. Creating schematics, creating boards from schematics, basic manual layout chores, the relationship between schematic and board, making gerber files for board houses, finding libraries, making custom parts will be covered. If you have a schematic that you would like made into a PCB, please bring it with you as a “real” example will be much more useful than a contrived one. If there is time, creation of solderpaste masks using the laser cutter will be covered. I’m going to try to leave around a third of the class time for questions and individual assistance.nnDate 10/12/11 n Time 7pm n Length ~2 hours n money $20 / $10 hive members (See discount code in email) n Max people: 15nnDeatils and Signup: http://www.eventbrite.com/event/2277391740nn nn nn nn nn nn nn nnn

Arduino 101 Class

By zombiecraig on Under Arduino

nArduino UnoHive13 is offering another Arduino 101 class.  This is a great intro class designed to get the student comfortable with using an arduino and how to build out their ideas.  This class has been taught at UC in the design school and is targeted to teach from the ground up.  You do not need to have any electronical or programming background to attend this class.  This is a hands on class where you will build out cool blinking light projects and play digital music over a speaker all using a tiny microcontroller.nnThis class is always a lot of fun and will teach you the tools you need to build out any project on the arduino.  You will become comfortable using the kit and troubleshooting problems.  You will learn how to use the many wonderful arduino resources to expand your knowledge and learn how to use new components.  This class will not use slide show presentation but is 100% hands on and you are encoraged to work in groups or with friends.nnIn this class you will use an Arduino, breadboard, wall wart, wires, LEDs and speaker.  You should bring a laptop and a USB cable to program the ardiuno.  These are the USB A to B cables (http://www.sparkfun.com/products/512) We will have some on hand but you will have to share.   We are offering two types of tickets.  One with the kit and components included and another ticket price to bring your own arduino.  We will supply LEDs and speakers regardless of which ticket you purchase.nnIt is recommended you download and install the Arduino software ahead of time.  Software and installtion instructions can be found here: http://arduino.cc/en/Main/SoftwarennThe instructor for this class is Craig Smith (http://www.linkedin.com/in/agentcraig) nRegister for Arduino 101 in Cincinnati, OH  on Eventbritennn

Hackerspace Passports are Here!

By zombiecraig on Under mitch altman, passport

nJust got back from the Opensource Hardware Summit and I have 20 Hackerspace passports that I picked up from +Mitch Altman.  These passports can be used while you are visiting other hackerspaces around the world.  You simply bring your passport and have the hackerspace stamp it.  Simple!  These are very new and not all hackerspaces have stamps just yet but you might as well get your passports now!  I will be bringing a stack of them to the Hive on Tuesday.  They are $3 each (This is the price I paid for them)  I should have enough for anybody who is interested.nnMore info on the passports can be found on adafruits blog.nnn

#lifeiscrime Hive13 Landmark

By zombiecraig on Under game, lic, lifeiscrime

nRecently at last weekends PAX event a new game called Life is Crime was announced.  It is a mobile game that takes your GPS location and uses that to build a virtual world overlaid on the real one.  Using this virtual world you then can go on crime sprees, have gangs, sell drugs, etc.  It’s kind of like Mafia wars meets foursquare.  You just need to ask yourself…while waiting in line would you rather ‘check-in’ or go on a crime spree?nnI’ve been playing this game for less than a week but I can already tell you I’m addicted.  I realized I was addicted when I was robbing a bunch of local stores while my wife shopped and checked nearby activity. Down the road I saw somebody had taken over a UDF and a Bank.  When my wife got back in the car I told her I wanted to make a quick stop.  I then found this location, pulled in and preceded to take over the turf.  If you like GTA or any of the gangster style games you must check this game out.nnAfter helping out on the forums a bit the super friendly people at** Red Robot created Hive13 as a Cincinnati Landmark!**  That’s right!  If you head over to the Hive right now you can deal contraband and rob tourists (In the game of course…hehe)  I love the idea of Hive13 being featured in a game!  So swing by sometimes, my R2 name is “zombie”nnGame homepage: http://www.lifeiscrime.com/nnn

Site for Lazer Minutes

By zombiecraig on Under laser, lazer

nWho wants to fire the lazer?nnWe are officially opening up the laser cutter for use.  For those who don’t know we have a 60W laser cutter at the space now that can cut up to 3/4″ thick wood and plexiglass (among a few other things).  If you are a member of the Hive you will want to take a laser cutting class in order to operate the laser on your own.  If you are not a member but want to use the laser cutter for a project that s fine as well but you need to have a certified member operate it for you.nnMembers will soon receive free minutes per month to use the laser cutter.  Additional minutes will cost $.50 and you can buy your minutes in one hour chunks.  This price is the same for non-members but your operator may request a free before hand for time and setup.nnTo keep track of all your minutes, buy minutes and transfer purchased minutes there is a new site!nnLazer Manager:  http://lazer.hive13.org/nnFor more information about the laser see: http://wiki.hive13.org/LasernnNote: It may take a few hours for new purchased minutes to show up until the paypal functionality is 100% tied in.  Free minutes are not finalized yet but student/full members will have the same amount and if you are a cornerstone member you will most likely get double those minutes.nnn

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


