Welding classes
By reportingsjr on
Update: sign up links have been added 1/13.nnWe are excited to announce our first ever set of progressive metal working classes! Whether you have never worked with metal, or have experience building with metal, these classes will teach you all the tips and tricks of creating structures with metal! These courses strike a balance between the practical/theoretical, and safety/fun.nnClasses are limited to 5 people per class to insure that everyone has plenty of time to get hands on experience with each tool. Participants of all levels are welcome in each and every class (in fact it is highly recommended if your schedule allows for it). These classes do directly build on each other and as such priority will be given to participants that sign up for both. Warning: The advanced welding class will not focus on welding technique, that will be covered in the "Welding good practice" portion of the first class. nn#### Class pricing and the Schedule is as follows:####nMetal Prep and Welding Good Practice (class 1)n
Cost: $60 nOffered: Friday 1/22/2016 from 6:00PM - 10:00PMn Saturday 1/23/2016 from 6:00PM - 10:00PM
nSign up herennAdvanced Welding Fabrication (class 2) n
Cost: $50 nOffered: Friday 1/29/2016 from 6:00PM - 9:00PMn Saturday 1/30/2016 from 6:00PM - 9:00PM
nSign up herennPlease join us for our first ever progressive metal techniques set of courses!
Introduction to the BFR 9000
By dustin on Under Lorin Parker, BFR 9000, CNC, Electronics Warden, Introduction, CAM, Gcode, Mach3, fusion360, Shapeoko

It seems that folks really want to get familiar with our CNC equipment. So Lorin Parker, our electronics warden, will also be offering an introductory course on the same day with Brad to familiarize people with the basics of our CNC. This to help familiarize you with the CNC and demystify things about it, not an certification class. The date and time will be Saturday January 9th from 10am to 12pm. Please RSVP here.nnThings that Lorin will cover:nn* Safety Safety Safety! Lorin will show you how to not kill yourself or lose a handn* What the CNC is and is notn* What CAM and GCode don* What Mach3 is and isn'tn* Information about the machines themselvesn* We'll use auto desk fusion360 to make some gcode and do some cuts with Shapeoko and the big CNC. Emphasis on best practices and how to get started with CAM.
Introduction to the Enco RF-30 Mill
By dustin on Under enco, mill, Introduction, Brad Walsh, Class

Brad Walsh, our new CNC warden, recently fixed up the mill and offered to run a class on Saturday January 9th from 1 to 3pm. Please RSVP here.nn*"This would be basic safe operation and a walk through of how to load a tool and make some chips."* -BradnnYou can check the wiki page for the mill for information regarding the repair process it went through, manuals, and other mill related information.nn
No meeting December 29th
By reportingsjr on
There will be no Tuesday meeting on December 29th so everyone can have a break during the holiday season!nnThe space is still open 24/7/365 for members like always.nnSee you Tuesday, January 5th for our first meeting of 2016!
By dustin on Under soldering, soder-thon, Hive13

Lorin, our electronics warden, is presenting a solder-thon this weekend! nnThe hive 13 solder-thon will be this Sunday November 22nd, from 1pm-6pm at the Hive 13 hackerspace.nn> Come on down to the rootinest-tootinest solder wranglin' rodeo in the O-H-I-O! Old hands and greenhorns welcome. Bring something you've been meaning to solder, mend, or mangle. Get expert advice from solder slinger Lorin Parker (he'd even teach you about scopes and test gear for a smile). Learn and practice assembly, cable making, through hole soldering, hot air rework, SMD, and hang out with some cheesy movies and light ein wenig Licht Lötmusik. nnn> Free for all members. Non-members welcome with donation to Hive13 (limited seating).nn> -Lorin n