SMT Hand soldering 101
By zombiecraig on Under Classes, soldering
nWe will be hosting a SMT Hand soldering class at the Hive on Wednesday March 2nd at 7pm. Goal for the class is to cover simple, easy to do (with a steady hand) techniques and materials used for soldering common SMT packages WITH n LEADS. NO BGA. NO QFN. (i.e. nothing with “blind” pads underneath the device that need soldered – can’t do that well without reflow IMHO) n n Targets: n SOIC n TQFP n resistors, capacitors down to 0402 (I’m not good enough to do 0201 by hand consistently) n connectors (mini USB, ethernet, etc.)nnThis covers 90% of the MCUs, transitors/FETs and passive components commonly used by enthusiasts. We will most likely be building AMP kits that you will be able to take home after the class. Seats are extremely limited for this class but if it sells out we plan on having this class again.nnDate: 3/2/2011 Time: 7pm-9pmnn