Create your own Lock Picks!
By zombiecraig on Under lock forensics, lockpicking
nThe Lock Forensic group at Hive13 is having a class to show you how to create your own high quality metal bogota style pick set. The study of locks and lock picking is fascinating. A bogota style lockpick has a backend that can also work like a tension wrench. We will be making 2 of these style picks in the class. The two stiles will be the half diamond and the hook. If time permits we will have templates to make some more advanced designs (such as the actual bogota). We will also have lots of test and progressive locks to test our your new lock picks on as well as a quick demo on how to picks locks if you haven’t yet.nnProceeds from the class will goto buying equipment for the lock forensics lab. Lock forensics is the science of analyzing a lock to determine if it has been picked, what tools were used and the skill of the attacker. Hive13 holds the only known public group doing this research and welcome anybody to participate on the 2nd Thursday of every month.nnExample of the type of picks you will be creating:nnnnSign up for the class today!nn
nnClass: Thursday November 17th, 6:30-8:30pmnnn