Tuesday Talk 9/13/22

By Konstantinos on Under Tuesday Talks, chocolate

Tuesday Talk 9/13/22

This month we have a sweet pretty sweet Tuesday Talk speaker! Paul Picton is a Hive13 member and an expert chocolate maker. His talk this month will be about how to make chocolate on a small scale so make sure to come hungry!

More about Paul:

Paul Picton is a mechanical engineer who changed careers in 2013 to become a chocolate maker.  Along with his wife, Marlene, and their son, Ben, they own and operate the Maverick Chocolate Co. in Cincinnati, Ohio. Maverick Chocolate has two stores: the original in Findlay Market – opened in 2014 and the flagship store in Rookwood Commons – opened in 2018. Their chocolate has received numerous national and international awards including six Good Food Awards. Maverick Chocolate employs 12 people.

Paul previously was the Sales Director for MTU Aero Engines – a division of Mercedes Benz. Paul spent seven years at Delta Airlines and three years in GE Aircraft Engines

Paul mentors numerous food-based entrepreneurs in Cincinnati. He is active in his neighborhood community of Newport, Kentucky. Paul is originally from Canada and immigrated to the USA in 1996.

Check out Maverick Chocolate at their Findlay Market location and Rookwood locations.


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2929 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, Oh 45225
