Android 101 Development Class
By zombiecraig on Under Android, Classes
nLearn how to program your own custom applications for Android devices. This class will go through the quick and easy method using Google’s AppInventor then go into details on how to use Eclipse to design more complicated applications. This class will mainly focus on creating GUIs, Activities, Intents and callbacks as well as AlertBuilder. We will also discuss how to run your application in an emulator and directly on your device.nnYou will want to have Eclipse installed with the android tools ahead of time. See (Get the Java or RDP version of Eclipse) If you are having problems getting this installed then Craig will be there at 6 to help but class will start promptly at 7pm.nnDecember 16th, 7pm at Hive13 HackerspacennClass cost is $20 (Members $10) Member codes will go out in email.nnLimited Seating. We will accept money at the door if seats are still available.nn**Sign up now: ** n