Tuesday, September 14, 7:30pm - 3D-Photogrammetry Show & Tell at Hive13
By jim on

Our regular 2nd-Tuesday of the month guest speaker program continues this coming Tuesday, September 14th with past-president and active member DaveS doing a show-and-tell on his recent experiences with large-scale and close-range 3D-Photogrammetry.
Photogrammetry is the science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant imagery and other phenomena. There are many variants. DaveS has large-scale experience deriving 3D models from drone-made 2D aerial images of the 2701SG building and close-range experience deriving 3D models from cell phone 2D photos of a physical object rotating on a desktop turntable.
Members, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome to come to hear DaveS's talk. Come early to see our space, meet folks, and check things out (wearing your mask). Find Us.