Arduino A 1-post collection
Arduino 101 Class
By zombiecraig on Under Arduino
nHive13 is offering another Arduino 101 class. This is a great intro class designed to get the student comfortable with using an arduino and how to build out their ideas. This class has been taught at UC in the design school and is targeted to teach from the ground up. You do not need to have any electronical or programming background to attend this class. This is a hands on class where you will build out cool blinking light projects and play digital music over a speaker all using a tiny microcontroller.nnThis class is always a lot of fun and will teach you the tools you need to build out any project on the arduino. You will become comfortable using the kit and troubleshooting problems. You will learn how to use the many wonderful arduino resources to expand your knowledge and learn how to use new components. This class will not use slide show presentation but is 100% hands on and you are encoraged to work in groups or with friends.nnIn this class you will use an Arduino, breadboard, wall wart, wires, LEDs and speaker. You should bring a laptop and a USB cable to program the ardiuno. These are the USB A to B cables ( We will have some on hand but you will have to share. We are offering two types of tickets. One with the kit and components included and another ticket price to bring your own arduino. We will supply LEDs and speakers regardless of which ticket you purchase.nnIt is recommended you download and install the Arduino software ahead of time. Software and installtion instructions can be found here: instructor for this class is Craig Smith ( n