Power Tool Drag Racing rolls into 2019
By jim on

Hive13's national award winning Power Tool Drag Race just keeps rolling along. Member JimD will be dusting off the track setup and carting it to Greenville,SC for the inaugural race of the 2019 season. Greenville's makerspace Synergy Mill is collaborating with Hive13 to sponsor the race day at Greenville's STEMfest 2019. The short track setup will be indoors at the Roper Mountain Science Center on Saturday, February 9. The track setup will return to the Hive after this race to await the next event. This year will be our seventh season of racing, and it keeps getting better.
Some will know JimD has dual membership and shares his time between Hive13 and Synergy Mill. Members who may want to help with the before and after in Cincinnati, and anyone who might be interested to also be in Greenville on race day, should contact JimD.