MIG Welding 101 at HIVE13 this weekend

By jim on

nRyan 2.0 (a.k.a. Ryan Hesse) will finish his summer co-op term at GE here in Cincinnati and will return to Montana next week.  Before he goes, he will follow through and conduct four MIG welding classes at HIVE13 this weekend.nnFriday, August 9 from 7:30pm to 9:30pm (limit 6 hands-on students)nnSaturday, August 10 from 12:00 noon to 2:00pm (limit 6 hands-on students)nnSaturday, August 10 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm (limit 6 hands-on students)nnSunday, August 11 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm (limit 6 hands-on students)nnClasses are $15.00 each for Elite and non-members, and $5.00 for Full and Student members collected at the door.  The fees cover material costs.  Classes are limited to six hands-on participants in each session, first come first served.  An EventBrite (click here) has been created to reserve class seats.  Fees will be collected at the door.nnn

A Magic Blue Smoke Merit Badge Award

By jim on

nMember Matt Starbuck bravely displays the “Magic Blue Smoke” merit badge awarded to him for his efforts at HIVE13 yesterday afternoon.nnHis promotion into the Benevolent Order of the Magic Blue Smoke (BOMBS) was made possible through the ultimate sacrifice of the ATMEGA32U4 chip on the Teensy 2.0 board in the LED persistence of vision staff he was developing.  In his own words, “VCC was not connected to anything, GND was connected, and I put 3.7V or so directly into one of the ADC pins with the Teensy powered off.  That pin is a direct short to ground in powered-down mode.  I failed to add the 4.7Mohm in line with it, which would have prevented the meltdown.”nnThe release of MBS was confirmed by two full-member eye witnesses at the time of the occurrence. “Yep, smells like MBS to me,” said one.  “I love the smell of MBS in the afternoon,” said the other, with a tear in her eye.nnHIVE13 congratulates Matt for the new found knowledge that he has acquired.  In the trial-and-error development world, we all know there is no gain without pain.  We celebrate failures because we learn from them and they are just the stepping stones that come before the final victory.nnFull disclosure and shameless plug – HIVE13 acquired a seed quantity of MBS merit badges via a grant marketing initiative by our friends at Adafruit (link), where you can also get more Teensy boards.  Imagine that.nnn

HIVE13 Brew Crew Brewout this Saturday, July 13 from 12:00 noon to 5:00pm

By jim on


This Saturday, July 13th, married members Michael and (recent Bock Fest Moerlein Special Release award-winning brewer) Tiffany Bell-Horwath will host an all-grain brewout at the HIVE! Plans include brewing a 10 gallon batch of a brown ale (a clone of the beer moosedrool if anyone has had it).
You are invited to join the Brew Crew at HIVE13 to learn and share brewing skills.  The event will get started around noon, and it will likely go till around 5:00pm.  Feel free to stop in at any point.
Active brewers are encouraged to bring some homebrew for folks to sample and enjoy.  So far, this will include a  bourbon barrel aged vanilla been Russian imperial stout and a cream ale.  With some interest, a root beer could be made and available on tap as well.  At some point we may all chip-in to order a pizza or something of that nature.  Bonus points will be awarded to those who bring some pot-luck munchies to share.
All who are interested in brewing are welcome.  Consider to bring your setup and equipment for the show-and-tell.  Bring your dreams and schemes and make plans to implement the makers’ beer garden show-and-tell at the upcoming Cincinnati mini-maker faire to be in Washington Park on October 19.
We are looking forward to this brewday and hope to see you there!  (Find Us)

HIVE13 has procured a brand-new MIG welder

By jim on

n It’s like Christmas in July!  The HIVE’s new MIG welder has arrived.  DaveB trucked it over and set it up on the cart just today.nnHIVE13 is the proud owner of  a brand-new Millermatic 211 Auto-Set w/MVP (link) with the M-100 Gun (link).nnThis is serious equipment.  Electric shock can kill.  Hot parts can burn.  Fumes and gases can be hazardous.  Arc rays can burn eyes and skin.  Welding can cause fire or explosion.  Flying metal or dirt can injure eyes.  Build-up of gas can injure or kill.  Electric and magnetic fields (EMF) can affect implanted medical devices.  Noise can damage hearing.  Cylinders can explode if damaged, etc.   Only qualified persons should install, operate, maintain, and repair this unit.nnDoes this new tool sound like as much fun to you as it does to us?nnStay tuned and drop by to see developments progress as the experienced HIVE welders and prudently cautious implementers make preparations to enable eager newbies to learn to weld safely with appropriate precautions.nnHIVE13 is the place to join to learn new skills and use new equipment to make things.nnn

2600: Glitching the Matrix

By zombiecraig on Under 2600, glitching


Glitch in the Marix
This Friday July 5th at 2600 we will demonstrate how to preform hardware glitching attacks.  Glitching attacks have become very popular in the game console and mobile phone scene.  We will discuss clock and power glitching concepts and demonstrate clock glitching attacks on some ExploitMe sketches designed for arduino boards.nnThis is a standard 2600 meeting: First Friday of the month starting at 7pm.  This event is open to the public.nnn

2701 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, OH 45225


