Open Workshop - Sumobots

By zombiecraig on Under sumobot, workshop

nHi Everybody!nnWe are having an open workshop on February 16th from 7-9 (or later).  Open workshops are just times where somebody has decided to open the hive for open projects to be worked on.  Whoever hosts an open workshop gets to also set a theme.  You don’t have to work on a project with the theme but if you are interested in said theme, then feel free to come on down and participate!nnThis workshop is hosted by Craig Smith and the theme is the upcoming sumobot competition.  We will be working on all the agenda items for the event.  Things like: logistics, party planning, poster artwork, building sumo rings, building sumobots, kinect sumobot hacking, whatever you can think of.nnThere will be many other sumobot meetings.  This is just the kick off meeting for the event.nnMark you calendars: Feb 16th, 7-9pmnnNo sign-up or fee, just show up.nnn


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2929 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, Oh 45225
