Hive13 Kitchen Chemistry for kids at the Cincinnati Public Library this summer

By jim on

nnHive13 member volunteers are busy this summer providing "DIY Polymers with Hive13" events for the Cincinnati Public Library Summer Learning Program. nnA series of ten Kitchen Chemistry events are already underway per a schedule at different library branch locations between June 9 and July 26. The series was instigated by member LorinP, and receives financial support from the Friends of the Public Library. Member MikeH has provided Kitchen Chemistry protocols (written instructions) on how to mix up polymer bouncy balls and extract DNA from strawberries as hands-on activities and summer fun for kids and their parents. nnFurther details are on the wiki (link). It is not too late to join the fun and help lead remaining sessions in the series.

2929 Spring Grove Ave

Cincinnati, Oh 45225
