HIVE13 Brew Crew Brewout this Saturday, July 13 from 12:00 noon to 5:00pm
By jim on

You are invited to join the Brew Crew at HIVE13 to learn and share brewing skills. The event will get started around noon, and it will likely go till around 5:00pm. Feel free to stop in at any point.
Active brewers are encouraged to bring some homebrew for folks to sample and enjoy. So far, this will include a bourbon barrel aged vanilla been Russian imperial stout and a cream ale. With some interest, a root beer could be made and available on tap as well. At some point we may all chip-in to order a pizza or something of that nature. Bonus points will be awarded to those who bring some pot-luck munchies to share.
All who are interested in brewing are welcome. Consider to bring your setup and equipment for the show-and-tell. Bring your dreams and schemes and make plans to implement the makers’ beer garden show-and-tell at the upcoming Cincinnati mini-maker faire to be in Washington Park on October 19.
We are looking forward to this brewday and hope to see you there! (Find Us)