Tuesday, November 9, 7:30pm - See and hear Hive13's own pair of 'Spinning Jennys' spin their tales
By jim on
Hive13's next 2nd-Tuesday of the month guest speaker(s) this coming Tuesday, November 9 at 7:30pm, will be the dynamic duo of Hive13 member Kate Cook, and her mother, Robin. Together they will demonstrate and share tales of the storied art of spinning fiber. They will demonstrate technique on both spinning wheels and drop spindles, working primarily with wool. Discussion will range from the basic mechanics of the wheels, the selection process and preparation of fibers for spinning and the finishing of spun fibers.
So what is a 'Spinning Jenny' you ask? The spinning jenny is a multi-spindle spinning frame. It was one of the key developments that sparked the industrialization of textile manufacturing during the early Industrial Revolution. It was invented in 1764 or 1765 by James Hargreaves in England. It is one of history's most significant Maker Machines. If you own a sheep, you can get wool. But how do you spin that wool (and other materials) into 'spun fibers' (thread) that then is woven into fabric to cloth all the people around the world? Well, you start with a Spinning Jenny in England, and follow the production trail around the world to the water powered textile mills of Lowell, MA, then post-Civil War Greenville, SC and now China and the many countries of Southeast Asia.
Members, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome to attend our hybrid (live/virtual) meeting to hear their talk. Come early to see our space, meet folks, and check things out (wearing your mask).
Tuesday, October 12, 7:30pm - Hear Hive13's guest speaker from UC's 1819 Innovation Hub
By jim on
The Hive's next 2nd-Tuesday of the month guest speaker this coming Tuesday, October 12th at 7:30pm, will be Ben Jones, Makerspace Manager at The University of Cincinnati's Office of Innovation.
Cincinnati is a great town offering many maker opportunities. Hive13 is excited to see our own member/warden BradW's transition into a maker's DREAM JOB, joining Ben's staff in the Ground Floor makerspace at UC's 1819 Innovation Hub.
Is your personal maker dream bigger than Hive13? Do you want to make a positive impact on society, gain recognition and financial reward for your idea? UC offers a process to evaluate your idea, conduct patent searches, analyze the market and competition to determine its commercialization potential. Their team has contacts for licensing your intellectual property to an existing company or creating a new company. Their Makerspace + Microfactory has the resources to support your dream through the prototyping phase and transformation into the material world.
Members, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome to attend our hybrid (live/virtual) meeting to hear Ben's talk. Come early to see our space, meet folks, and check things out (wearing your mask). Find Us.
Tuesday, September 14, 7:30pm - 3D-Photogrammetry Show & Tell at Hive13
By jim on

Our regular 2nd-Tuesday of the month guest speaker program continues this coming Tuesday, September 14th with past-president and active member DaveS doing a show-and-tell on his recent experiences with large-scale and close-range 3D-Photogrammetry.
Photogrammetry is the science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images and patterns of electromagnetic radiant imagery and other phenomena. There are many variants. DaveS has large-scale experience deriving 3D models from drone-made 2D aerial images of the 2701SG building and close-range experience deriving 3D models from cell phone 2D photos of a physical object rotating on a desktop turntable.
Members, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome to come to hear DaveS's talk. Come early to see our space, meet folks, and check things out (wearing your mask). Find Us.
Tuesday, August 10, 7:30pm - Guest Speaker from local artist co-op DIY Printing at the Hive
By jim on
Old timers will remember back before the COVID pandemic, Hive13 would schedule a variety of guest speakers to present on topics of general interest to members during the live meetings on the 2nd-Tuesday of each month.
We are so ready to get back to those good old days! We are not yet out-of-the-woods (current Cincinnati mandate is to wear masks in indoor events) but we are pushing the curve and have invited Aaron Kent from DIY Printing to be our guest speaker at the hybrid live/zoom meeting this coming Tuesday, August 10, at 7:30 pm.
Arron runs DIY Printing, located in the Essex Art Studios in Walnut Hills, Cincinnati. They run a co-op silk screen studio for community artists and print commercially to pay the bills. They provide classes in collaboration with the Art Academy of Cincinnati for adults and teens who want to learn about screen printing. Aaron's talk will provide an overview on tools and techniques, include some show-and-tell examples and wrap-up with an informal Q&A discussion.
Members, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome to come to hear Aaron's talk. Come early to see our space, meet folks, and check things out (wearing your mask). Find Us.
You won't want to miss tomorrow's Hive Meeting! Tuesday (5/4) at 7:30 pm
By jim on
We won’t get too crazy, but tomorrow’s meeting will be a bit different because we want to re-introduce some FUN and:
(1) safely try a “New Normal” HYBRID (In-Person/Virtual) meeting format
(2) wrap-up the AC Fund Drive (Yea! How will it end?)
(3) stage new Hive photos to show we are surviving and thriving at 2701SG
(4) celebrate Star Wars Day! (May the Fourth Be With You)
For members who are comfortably VAXED, we want to test IN-PERSON attendance, follow Ohio and CDC safety guidelines to wear masks and maintain social distancing
For the more cautious not-yet-fully VAXED members, we encourage VIRTUAL attendance, follow the same video meeting links as last week.
For IN-PERSON folks willing to help us stage new Hive marketing photos at 2701SG, consider to arrive perhaps an hour early or stay an hour late. Be creative! Bring props and dress in PPE gear to show off SAFELY using a particular tool or maker activity.
For VIRTUAL folks who want to get in on the photo fun, be creative! It may take some last-minute prep, but we want to include your cardboard profile or decorated avatar and be just like the big leagues. No idea is too outrageous for consideration.
Bonus points for anyone who actually has a Star Wars costume and shows up for the photo shoot wearing it!