What do YOU see here?

Hive13 is on the 3rd Floor at 2701 Spring Grove Avenue

Driving by 2701 Spring Grove Avenue on your way home from your vaccination shot, the casual observer may say, "Not much..."

But for Hive13 members with inside knowledge on the 3rd-floor at 2701SG, the true answer is, "QUITE A LOT ACTUALLY, THANK YOU VERY MUCH !!!"

Since the start of the COVID pandemic, Hive13 has been generally closed to the general public.  We were growing before, and are still growing now.  We have strategically used this past year to relocate into our new and improved space.  Now that we all are increasingly VAXED and WAXED, we are MAXED about cautiously moving into the next new normal, whatever that may be.  We were wearing masks and face shields before the pandemic and still use PPE to be safe and work safely to make stuff.

Are you itching to (safely) get back to making things with cool tools in a supporting community of like-minded makers?  You have found your people at our place.  

Not yet a true believer?  Check out our version of the Mars Ingenuity Drone first flight with this drone fly-by video https://youtu.be/LPu189Q2wI8 inside our new space.  Ready to fly with us?  Email leadership(at)hive13(dot)org for details.