nnWhere can you turn after four seasons of Power Tool Drag Racing burn out? How about a new take on an old classic and taking Pumpkin Chucking to a new level? A group of Hive members has been considering to ROCK this October's Cincinnati Mini Maker Faire with a new and different version of an old school, large-scale activity. Who wouldn't want to be a trebuchet owner-operator? We have been researching all available YOU-TUBE technology and had even gone one-up by begging THE local experts from our fair city to share their hard earned trade secrets with us. nnYeah, it is way-too-short, last-minute notice, but if you snooze you loose and righteous persistence always pays off. So we are now proud to announce that tonight, Tuesday, June 13, at the 7:30 pm business meeting, Mark Lorenz, from the World Famous Mount Washington Stanbery Park Pumpkin Chuckers will hold a public talk on his team's prior prolific experience in lobbing large vegetables during general public community events.nnBy the way, the above stock image is of the Warwick Castle Siege Engine, a somewhat lesser (but still interesting) effort that can be seen on YouTube at this link.nnMembers, guests, first-time-walk-ins, and all those interested to learn more are welcome tonight, June 13, at the 7:30pm business meeting. Find Us.